Ride for Indonesia
Ride for Indonesia is where we cycle from London to various cities in the UK such as; Brighton, Oxford, Cambridge, Liverpool, and more, to raise money for Food Aid Provision.
Indonesia is facing its worst Covid outbreak since the start of the pandemic. As the government extended the partial lockdown, the vulnerable communities in the country with the fourth largest population in the world need our support more than ever.
In partnership with Human Initiative, Human Aid Initiative’s Food Aid Provision provide the food assistance to those most in need in Indonesia.
Join the challenge or donate below!
Tanggal | Donatur | Nominal |
Total donasi offline | 0,- |
Ayo ikut berkontribusi dalam gerakan #solusipeduli! Ajak lebih banyak orang untuk mewujudkan program kebaikan ini.
Jadi Fundraisersehat selalu semua.
Semoga bermanfaat dan jadi berkah untuk kita semua. Aamiin.
Semoga covid segera usai
Sehat semua aamiin
semoga semua sehat dan bahagia :\'))
semoga semua berbahagia...
Keep going pak..
mari hidup dengan baik.