EDSA x HIVE presents CLINFINITE (Preserve the coastal : Mangrove Edition)
Welcome to our crowdfunding page! Dedicated to maintain and preserve mangrove ecosystems, located in Gununganyar sub-distric, Surabaya.
Join us in making a tangible difference as we come together to protect and maintain mangrove under severe threat due to human activities,climate change and habitat degradation.
Your contribution can be the driving force behind the restoration of these invaluable ecosystems.
For further information and confirmation:
0812 1139 7876 (Talitsa)
Tanggal | Donatur | Nominal |
Total donasi offline | 0,- |
Ayo ikut berkontribusi dalam gerakan #solusipeduli! Ajak lebih banyak orang untuk mewujudkan program kebaikan ini.
Jadi Fundraisermangrove aja ku maintain bund, apalagi anakmu
semoga clinfinite suksess!!!
Semoga hal-hal baik terwujud sesuai ekspektasi
Semoga bermanfaat yach maniez
smg bermanfaat
Suksess terus saudaraku
Semoga acaranya lancar!
Ya.. semoga bermanfaat untuk mengingatkan kualitas ekosistem perairan kita.